Losing weight is not as hard as you think
We can help you

Losing weight is achieved by balancing calories in vs. calories out. Diet Chef has done all the hard work and counted the calories for you, so you don’t have to.


15 years expertise

Join over 275,000 people who've chosen Diet Chef to help them lose weight. We send 28 days of chef-prepared meals and snacks straight to your door, making losing weight simple and tasty.

Simple and effective

  • 4 meals a day from just £79.75 per week
  • Try one week free with no commitment*
  • Lose up to 2lbs per week

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Lose up to 2lbs per week*


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Kezia lost over 4 stone! *

As featured on
ITV's Save Money: Good Health

I'd recommend this if you're looking for a way of dieting without having to do all the thinking

– Woman magazine

Over 250,000 people have chosen Diet Chef - join them today!

  • Your food for the month delivered to your door for FREE
  • Around 100 delicious options – all calorie counted
  • Easy to prepare, ready in 3 minutes
  • Read our independent reviews on Trustpilot

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