Holly's Diet Chef Story

I feel healthier now. It's easier to get up stairs, to carry stuff, even bend down and tie my shoes.

1st 12lbs

My husband, Michael, decided to do the Diet Chef plan after seeing the TV ad. I saw how well he was getting on so I decided to join him. We're originally from Texas but now live in the UK and I think our love of the food here, especially the full English breakfasts, began to take their toll. Our "enough is enough" moment was when we saw some unflattering photos taken on holiday.

My clothes were becoming increasingly tight and I knew something had to be done. I lost 7lbs in the first 2 weeks and it was incredible. Already my clothes felt looser and as we were enjoying the food so much it didn't even feel like being on a diet. Between us, we've now lost over 7 stone.

We've got busy lives so it was important for us to find the right programme that fitted into our lifestyle. We needed something convenient.

I love the Spicy Beef & Tomato Soup. It's great if I've been out for lunch and have had to have something 'bad' – I have the soup for dinner and I haven't blown the day diet-wise. I take Diet Chef travelling too. I recently went back to the States, and normally I'd gain 10 lbs after all the family meals, but this time I alternated with Diet Chef meals and only gained 4 lbs.

I feel healthier now. It's easier to get up stairs, to carry stuff, even bend down and and tie my shoes. Bending down was pretty tough before, I could barely breathe. Not any more!

I think I'm much better socially too. I've just bought a clingy dress for a party and there'll be people there I haven't seen since doing Diet Chef. Previously, I wouldn't have had the confidence and wouldn't have wanted to go the party. Now, I can't wait to wear the dress and I'm excited to see what their reaction will be!

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