Linda's Diet Chef Story

Losing weight has boosted my confidence no end and it is nice getting compliments again.

1st 7lbs

As a busy nurse I'd always been a slim size 8, but the weight crept on after I lost my husband. I just didn't feel like there was anyone to look nice for anymore. I'd been pretending to diet for years, but not really sticking to it.

A friend recommended Diet Chef to me. I tried it and couldn't believe I lost two dress sizes in three months. The difference with Diet Chef is you don't have to think. It's all done for you, even the snacks. I keep all the meals in the spare room spread out on the bed and I just pop in and think “What shall I have today?” It's so easy.

I'm quite a fussy eater so I was surprised how nice the food was. Diet Chef helped me change my eating habits too. Before Diet Chef I'd have steak and salad and a whole pile of chips. Now I eat a lot less potatoes because I've seen how much you get with Diet Chef and know that is enough for me. I had been overeating and not realising the extra food on my plate was just extra calories, it didn't even fill me up more. I've cut back on bread too. You can still have bread when you're Diet Chef as long as it's within your Daily Calorie Allowance, but I found I could do without it and it didn't seem as tasty as other food I could enjoy.

There is lots of choice and variety so you don't get bored of the food. I go food shopping less which means I'm not tempted to buy as many treats. I stock up on lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Whilst my Diet Chef dinner is in the microwave I steam some vegetables on the hob, it only takes minutes. As I don't have to spend as much time cooking and shopping I'm finding I've got more time to myself in the evenings.

The biggest bonus for me was getting back into a pair of size 10 jeans. I thought I'd never be slim again. Now when I go shopping some size 10s are too big! Losing weight has boosted my confidence no end and it's nice getting compliments again.

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