Michael's Diet Chef Story

I really enjoy the curries, I don’t feel I’m missing out on my usual takeaway.

3st 6lbs

My wife and I had been trying to lose weight for a few years. The extra pounds seemed to have crept up on us probably as a result of our lifestyles. My work is busy and often requires long days where I’m travelling a lot. We also have a busy social life which includes eating out or having friends round.

One evening I saw a Diet Chef TV ad and told my wife Holly that I wanted to try it. So she went online and ordered it for the two of us. The food came and we started it straight away. The meals tasted great, not what I expected diet food to be. I really enjoy the curries, they’re superb. We used to have an Indian takeaway every Friday night, but I now I have one of the Diet Chef curries with a bit of rice and it tastes so good I don’t feel like I’m missing out. The Chicken Tikka Masala is my favourite.

Holly found she no longer craved chocolate – and she’s a big time chocoholic. After only two weeks we had both lost 7 pounds. After Holly was bragging about that on Facebook, she had 3 friends sign up that day. Since then she’s had more people ask her about it and she gives them her refer a friend discount code for when they are ready.

But the two main reasons I love Diet Chef is how easy it is. We’re enjoying not having to cook as much. But most importantly the food is absolutely delicious!! Of course there are challenges along the way with going home for a few weeks to visit, having friends come here for visits, and just the odd going out for lunch or dinner. But we are still feeling much better and wearing smaller clothes. I’ve gone down 3 sizes.

Thank you so much.

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