Sarah's Diet Chef Story

It's real food and it's varied, I was never hungry. It has changed the way I eat.


I'd been unhappy with my weight for long enough, I felt it had been a really long time since I'd been slim. Before starting Diet Chef I was 13st 4lbs, I'm now 2st lighter. It feels amazing, I've never been this weight before. It's really changed my life.

When the Nintendo Wii called me obese I decided I needed to make a change. I searched on the internet and found Diet Chef. I looked at all the similar products out there, after reading online reviews, Diet Chef seemed to be the one people liked the most.

I loved the diet. It was real food and it was varied, you can choose the meals you like and delete the ones you don't. I work busy shifts in a restaurant, the Diet Chef food combined with the snacks and the extra calories, fruit and veg you can have meant I was never hungry.

I've managed to maintain my weight loss because Diet Chef taught me about healthy portion size and if I have a bad couple of days I go back on the plan for a few days and it falls off again. It really has changed the way I eat. I eat smaller amounts but more frequently and eating regularly throughout the day means I never get too hungry.

After losing 1st I started to exercise gradually. I started jogging and saw what a difference it made to my general health and fitness. I've just ran a half marathon, it's my second best accomplishment next to my weight loss. Not bad for someone who couldn't even run for a minute 10 months ago. I've never been an active person and so to be able to complete a half marathon in just over two hours is a massive achievement for me and it's all down to Diet Chef.

I feel like a different person, I'm so much happier now. I recommend Diet Chef to everyone.

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