2st 7lbs
Until I discovered Diet Chef, I had always been the sort of person who had struggled with my body image and self-confidence. After only 4 months of this amazing weight loss programme, I have lost 2st 5lbs and have never felt more comfortable in the skin that I am in. I am now the wife and mum that I want to be, I am so much more confident, happy, energetic and I am now the role model that I wanted to be for my little girl.
I knew that I gained weight after the birth of my baby girl, but it wasn't until she was six months old that I really began to notice just how much weight I'd put on. When I was pregnant, I ate whatever I wanted and didn't exercise. The problem was my unhealthy habits remained and they started to catch up with me. I had piled on the weight and couldn't fit into any of my clothes. I looked at pictures of myself and was shocked by how much my body had changed. Needless to say, my confidence and self-image began to plummet dramatically.
A new year was approaching and I felt I was on a losing battle trying to lose the weight. I was trying to diet on my own but my motivation would just fizzle and I would fall back into my unhealthy eating habits. Any weight loss would go straight back on, plus more!
I saw a Diet Chef advert on TV and decided to give it a go. I have to say it's the best thing I could have done. The best thing about it was it was so easy, the food was delicious, there was so much variety and I was able to fit it into my busy lifestyle. It helped me regain control of my life in more ways than one.
Diet Chef has taught me about portion sizes whilst still being able to enjoy a variety of different foods. Thank you Diet Chef! I am now a happier, lighter self and I no longer feel ashamed of how I look. Even now, I continue to order Diet Chef meals as it's so easy… I never get tired of the meals and it tastes better than the food that I would usually cook for myself!