Katy Jane's Diet Chef Story

It’s so easy and it’s all the kind of food I’d eat anyway.


I knew I needed to do something about my weight. I began to lose my self-confidence, and I turned to food as my source of comfort and exercised less. This led to me gaining a large amount of weight very fast. The cycle just kept repeating, feeling down because of my weight and eating to feel better.

I wasn’t happy at all, it got to the point where I didn’t recognise myself. I went on a family holiday and felt everyone was staring and pointing at how big I was. That was when I decided to do something about it.

I’d never been able to stick to a diet but family friend recommended Diet Chef to me. So I gave it go, I had a friend’s wedding coming up within three months of me starting. I managed to drop 4st with the quick, easy and filling meals provided by Diet Chef along with plenty of exercise. Diet Chef was perfect for me because it’s all done for you. It’s so easy and it’s all the kind of food I’d eat anyway.

The people I worked with joked that I must have to eat plastic food if I’m on a diet but it’s real food. It has even broadened my palate. Some of my favourite dishes, like the Chicken Korma, I’d never have tried before.

It’s so convenient, even when I meet friends after work – I’ll swap lunch and dinner so I can eat a hot meal at lunch and take a milkshake and snack with me in the evening. What surprised me was that I didn’t feel hungry. Before Diet Chef I’d buy junk food and snack all the time. But when the weight is coming off, you’re motivated to keep going.

And I felt my confidence slowly coming back! It’s great meeting people I’ve haven’t seen in ages. They can’t believe how I look now. I love being able to go into shops and try things on and think: ‘I look good in that’. It keeps me going and I’m still loving the food.

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