Suzanne's Diet Chef Story

If I can do it, anyone can. It was very hard work at times, but the difference has been amazing.


I realised I had let my weight get out of control when I ended up gasping for breath as I carried my four-year-old Erin. I was taking the wee one to bed and, after being so out of breath, I said to my husband Brian: ‘That's it, I'm starting to lose weight.'

I needed to do something. First of all I managed to shed some of the weight on my own, but then I started with Diet Chef. I got my weight down from 20st to 12st!

If I can do it, anyone can. It was very hard work at times, but the difference has been amazing.

I've had a lot of compliments since losing the weight, I feel like a new woman. I feel great and it's definitely been worth all the effort I have to put into losing weight.

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