3st 8lbs
I am a retired lady of 66 years of age. Over the years I have tried most of the diets on the market and also tried various pills to make me lose weight, but then reached a plateau, given up and started to eat, as I thought, “healthily”. Obviously not, because I put the weight back on plus more.
Last July, I investigated having surgery such as liposuction, gastric band etc, which was going to cost me lots of money. Then I came across Diet Chef on the internet! On first reading about it initially I thought it was rather expensive but then a lot cheaper than surgery! I decided to give it a go and if it didn’t work then I could always resort to surgery later!
I ordered my first month’s plan and it duly arrived on schedule. I was amazed by the quantity that I had to find cupboard space for, but eventually found all the space I needed by getting rid of all the “unhealthy” things that had been sitting there. On Tuesday 27 July 2009 I opened my first packet of Granola! My first thought was: “That will never keep me full up until lunch time!” How wrong I was! I didn’t feel hungry at all, and realised that you don’t need to fill a cereal bowl up to the top!!
I have never looked back since that first day as the weight started to drop off at a regular pace ever since! I started at size 20/22 and I can proudly announce that I am now a size 8! I have lost a total of 3st 6lbs in 35 weeks!
I can’t recommend Diet Chef enough, in fact that is all I talk about to my friends! The food is excellent! The delivery service has been superb! The customer service team have been most helpful!
Thank you, Diet Chef!