Susan's Diet Chef Story

Strangers regularly insulted me on nights out, because of my size!


I was the heaviest I had ever been at 17 stone 9 pounds; my confidence was at an all-time low and I felt really unhealthy and unattractive. I even experienced verbal abuse from strangers on nights out about my size. It was horrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!

I used to get comments such as “you’re too big to be wearing that” and “shouldn’t you be at home trying to hide”. I felt ugly and ashamed of my body, and despite having my loving husband by my side, I soon started to fear being bullied by strangers.

I saw a TV advert for Diet Chef and pleaded with my husband to buy me a bespoke hamper for my Christmas present. Knowing it would make me happy, he purchased the hamper and I started the plan in January.

I didn’t look back for five months. It taught me so much about portion control and healthy eating. Everything tasted great too, so following it was really easy.

I have managed to lose five stone, which I am thrilled about. I have also been using the lessons Diet Chef taught me to keep the weight off. I have gone from a size 22 and unable to shop in nice, high street fashion retailers, to a size 14. It’s great as I can now wear things that make me feel on top of the world, rather than things that hide me.

I can run around and play with my grandchildren, which was a challenge when I was bigger. I have also started cycling and increasing my general activity levels. I now prefer to walk to places rather than drive. I have also entered Race for Life, something I would never have thought I would do or could achieve. Diet Chef has turned my life around.

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