I started Diet Chef in January just three days before my 76th birthday. I lost 3st in total. I cannot believe how much I had let myself go until I dug up the “before” photo. This weight had accumulated over a five year period. I disliked myself intensely, as in years gone by I had always had a good figure and kept myself at a good weight.
I met my husband in 2005, which was when I started to gain weight. I would cook big meals for him and eat the same amounts as I gave him. Oh, how I longed for someone to come in and cook my meals for me and me alone. The meals would have to be the right amounts and have the right nutritional values.
My husband, John, saw how the weight gain was getting to me and encouraged me to try Diet Chef, having seen the advert on TV. I looked online and it seemed perfect for me. Picking out what I wanted to eat for each meal was marvellous. All I had to do was add vegetables, which I love. Fruits became my in-between meal snacks along with the snack packages that came with my meals.
John had never made any comments about my weight when I was heavier but he sure makes comments about my weight now! He cannot get over how well I have done. He’s very proud of me. My weight loss varied but the average loss was 1½lbs a week. I reached my goal in five months.
As I still have some dinner meal packages left (as a result of eating out a few times along the way) I am still mixing them in with other food but I am now aware of portion size, calorie count etc. Along with all the meals I made a point of walking fifty minutes every day. I am so, so grateful to Diet Chef. If I feel myself slipping again I shall not hesitate to get back on the wagon again and place an order for some Diet Chef meals.
Thank you Diet Chef from the bottom of my heart!!