Megan's Diet Chef Story

I never once felt like I was on a diet or being deprived. The food is so tasty and surprisingly filling.

2st 8lbs

At 11st 1lb I wasn't grossly overweight but I had a huge appetite, I was unfit, I felt uncomfortable in myself and would hide under baggy clothes.

Earlier this year a close family member, who is 33, was diagnosed with cancer. It made me realise how important it is to look after my health and I was doing myself no favours with my fatty diet and love of chocolate.

On top of that, I work for the Scottish Ambulance Service and felt I should be more of a role model to the general public and practice what I preach in terms of advising people on changes they can make for a healthier lifestyle.

Starting Diet Chef was the easiest decision I have made. I'd read lots of positive reviews online the numerous success stories. I never once felt like I was on a diet or being deprived of anything. The food is so tasty and surprisingly filling and I lost 5lbs in the first week.

I also took up running which was a struggle at first, being asthmatic, but as the weight has come off I have become fitter, I have found I am needing to use my inhalers less and less. And the positive comments from friends, family and work colleagues have boosted my confidence and self esteem no end!

I reached my target weight of 8st 5lbs on 11th August. I have lost 2st 6lbs and it has changed my life.

I am running the Great Edinburgh Run which is something I would never have dreamed of doing before. And following my success my mum has just taken delivery of her first Diet Chef order and I only hope she can enjoy the same success that I have.

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